Tuning Fork Boot


The Tuning Fork Boot adds a new dimension of ease and effectiveness in applying vibration to the body. The boot easily attaches to a weighted tuning fork, fastened securely with a small inset screw to the base of the handle. (Allen wrench and screw included.)

The Tuning Fork Boot is a must-have addition to any tuning fork practice. The smooth surface of the boot's flat circular surface and gently rounded edges are an excellent aid in working out muscle knots. It also provides a large surface area to improve lymph flow and nerve stimulation.

This accessory can significantly enhance the effectiveness of most weighted tuning forks. In addition to providing targeted vibrational stimulation, it will significantly increase the skin's ability to absorb any of your favorite creams or lotions.

"Being a Shiatsu Massage Therapist for 20 years, I was always looking for tools to help take the pressure off my fingers and hands yet still providing benefits for my clients. The Alexander Method ® Body Tuners were a perfect addition, allowing me to stimulate acupoints with vibration and pressure simultaneously without the strain on my hands. Adding the Fork Boot allowed me to utilize the Body Tuners in yet another way. By adding the boot to the tuner's stem, I changed from a more focused vibration to a gentler, more dispersed one, which my neuropathy clients greatly appreciated. The Fork Boot also allows for a gliding effleurage motion along muscle fibers combining the known benefits of pressure and vibration that is gentle to a client's body and practitioner's hands. A fabulous addition to any bodyworker's tool kit!"

– Krista McKeon, LMT

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