110 Hz Ancient Frequency Tuning Fork


What frequency were our ancestors chanting to?

The science of Archaeoacoustics is a branch of archaeology that studies the acoustic properties of ancient structures. In 2008 Archaeoacoustics researchers of this discipline used scientific instruments to record and measure some Ancient sites' frequencies, including the 6,000-year-old underground Hypogeum on the island of Malta and the equally as old Neolithic monument known as Newgrange in Ireland. In these cases, the frequency measured and recorded was 110Hz.

Archeologists indicate that these chambers were created for rituals and chanting. In these structures, 110 Hz resonance would then allow enhanced right-brain activity. The right brain is known as our creative and intuitive side, and the left is our more logical thinking side.

In a scientific study, The Ancient Architectural Acoustic Resonance Patterns and Regional Brain Activity, researchers Cook, Ian & Pajot, Sarah & Leuchter, Andrew. (2008) "evaluate the possibility that tones at these frequencies might specifically affect regional brain activity. In a pilot project, 30 healthy adults listened to tones at 90, 100, 110, 120, and 130 Hz, while brain activity was monitored with electroencephalography (EEG). Activity in the left temporal region was found to be significantly lower at 110 Hz than at other frequencies. Additionally, the pattern of asymmetric activity over the prefrontal cortex shifted from one of higher activity on the left at most frequencies to right-sided dominance at 110 Hz. These findings are compatible with relative deactivation of language centers and a shift in the prefrontal activity that may be related to emotional processing."

What does that mean to us? Listening to 110 Hz frequencies can help better bring the left and right hemispheres of our brain in balance. It will quiet the left brain's chatter, allowing the more intuitive right mind to take over. Listening to 110Hz acoustically through vibrational tuning forks attuned to this frequency will help us meditate and connect to realms beyond our own.

As with all of Lisa Alexander’s tuning forks, this is medical grade, made in the USA of the highest quality aluminum alloys with longer stems for easier use, and tested for frequency accuracy.

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