Home is where the Heart is.

This is a saying we've all heard before. But this is also a saying that has really hit home with many of us who have survived 2020. Since time is a 3-D concept, the challenges we have been facing don't stop on New Year's Eve.  2021 continues to be met with challenges, but hopefully, most of you can finally see some light at the end of the tunnel.

Our homes are a reflection of what's in our hearts. A house is just a building. When we fill it with love and memories, it becomes a home.

The image above is a picture from my grandparents' home that now hangs in my home.  My family is from Austria, and the saying translates to: 

     "In the  Evening, I return Home with Peace,

       Back to my quiet home.

       Here I forget trouble and worry.

       Here Blossoms self-love and Happiness.

 These days we may not be returning home. We may already be at home full time. Depending on your situation, this could be a blessing or a curse. I do hope whichever it is, you still find your moments of peace, love, and happiness in your home.

I have heard from many of you about 2020. Some have been enjoying the time "off" or at home; others have been finding it difficult, or worse. If it has been difficult for you, know you are not alone. For me personally and professionally, it has had its challenges.

I am very grateful that none of my clients or students came down with the COVID virus.  When we keep our vibrations high, we keep ourselves attracting only the higher vibrations that keep us healthy. Unfortunately, however, many of them, myself included, know of people not aligned with this modality that have sub come to this deadly virus. I personally do not know anyone who has died of this, but others have expressed sadness over the loss of someone they knew who unfortunately did die from complications of COVID.

On the positive, this pandemic has gotten many people off the hamster wheel and forced them to step back and access what is really necessary and essential in our daily lives.  Sourdough bread, of course, no, just kidding! But spending time cooking and enjoying our meals together is only one of the many good things to come out of this time we are experiencing.

2019 saw me mostly on the road, speaking and teaching to live audiences. For 2020 I had a full year booked with more travel, including a trip to Peru. Well, of course, all of that was canceled. I had to close my doors for four+ months to my devoted clients, which broke my heart.

I have been and still am spending much time and energy learning to do business virtually. In my mid-50's age, I'm not a fan of technology. My team and I have been working hard to get all my classes up online.

Personally, things shifted significantly when my husband also started working from my small childhood home of only 1,500 square feet. His employers saved money by closing their Philadelphia office and made him work from home permanently.  WOW!  That was a significant change that took most of the year to work around and come to a cooperative new norm. Needless to say, suddenly living and working together 24/7 can be quite stressful in a small space when you are used to your "alone" time. It was a real lesson in cooperation and stress management!

I'd love to hear how these times are affecting you. Please comment and let me know what positives or negatives you have been experiencing this past year. How have you been coping?  By sharing your ideas and thoughts, you may help others.


Happy Earth Day 🌎


Are You Experiencing Loss?