Your Heart's Intelligence - When the Heart Rules the Mind

The main CPU, or electrical center, of our bodies, is not in our brains as once thought – but in our hearts.

Let's look at the physical model of the heart. 60 to 65% of the cells of the heart are actually neural cells, not muscle cells, as previously thought. They are identical to the neural cells of the brain, operating through the same conductivity called 'ganglia,' the threadlike nerve connections, and neurotransmitter behavior that takes place in the brain. In other words, there is a brain in the heart whose ganglia or network mass is linked to every other part of the body. Responses that affect the heart affect the entire human system.

Biophysicists at many universities and research institutions worldwide have found that the heart is a very powerful electrical-magnetic transmitter. They have measured and found that the heart center creates an electromagnetic field that encompasses the body and extends out from the body 8-12 feet. A good source is Heart-Math Institute.

The electromagnetic field created by our heart is so strong that you can actually take an electrocardiogram as far away as 3 feet from the body and have an accurate reading.

This magnetic field is known to carry information that affects other people, plants and animals, and links to a global grid of information. It is one reason why you pick up a “vibe” about a certain person, place or situation you encounter. By increasing brain-heart coherence, we not only improve our personal health and well-being, but also influence the global energy field. It is postulated by many scientists that as more and more people add coherent energy to this unified field, it will help strengthen and stabilize mutually beneficial feedback loops between human beings and Earth’s magnetic fields.

One of the most incredible findings is how the heart affects and controls the brain. The brain is but a spiritual filter as the American neurosurgeon Eben Alexander spoke of in his book "Proof of Heaven." All indications are that it furnishes the whole radio wave system from which the brain draws its material to create our subjective experiences of the world.

More profoundly, we now know that the radio spectrum of the heart is greatly affected by the emotional responses to our world. Our emotional responses change the hearts electromagnetic frequencies; this is measurable by various devices such as EKG's and bio-feedback. This, in turn, can affect any or every part of our physical being.

Stressful feelings such as anger, frustration, and being overwhelmed lead to increased disorder in the higher-level brain centers and autonomic nervous system. These are reflected in the heart rhythms and can adversely affect the functioning of all major and minor bodily systems.

According to Heart-Math Institute, numerous studies have shown that heart coherence is an optimal physiological state associated with:

  • Increased cognitive function

  • Self-regulatory capacity

  • Emotional stability and

  • Resilience

As a student of Heart-Math, currently enrolled in their professional practitioner program, I have one of their monitors to measure heart-brain coherence. I have been blown away by the results.

My practicing clients and students, after an Alexander Method® of Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy, are registering results that far exceed that of experienced meditators. The ones I have measured are producing brain states in the high Gamma range, similar to those found in Buddhist monks.

The heart is more than a pump. It is a highly complex information-processing center with its own functional brain. In my research, it seems we are bringing not only the heart and brain, but also our other energy centers via the chakras in coherence during the Alexander Method® Session. In doing so, we can produce health and healing in our own bodies as well as transcendent states of consciousness.

According to Heart-Math, the heart-brain communicates with and influences the cranial brain via the nervous system, hormonal system, and other pathways. These influences affect brain function and most of the body's major organs and play an important role in mental and emotional experience and the quality of our lives.

If you would like to learn more about The Alexander Method®, please click here.

Blessings of Health & Happiness,

Lisa Alexander


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