Vibrational Transformations: Out of Body Experience - by Guest Blogger Rosemary Ray

As a certified practitioner and also a client of Lisa’s, I know first hand the amazing effects that The Alexander Method® of Sound & Energy Healing can provide.

When I got my first tuning from Lisa, I had just filed for divorce from my ex and was dealing with a lot of emotional pain. When Lisa worked on me she told me she saw “huge daggers” that were stuck in my heart chakra. I could definitely feel them too. I had been experiencing so much pressure in my chest and a dull ache in my heart for years. I was also dealing with massive amounts of anxiety that sat in my chest.

When she worked on my heart chakra that day, I could literally feel the daggers being lifted from my energy body. I remember inhaling deeply and realizing that I could finally take a deep breath again. It was such a freeing experience! I had many dreams afterwards of cords being cut between myself and my ex-partner. I felt like the chains he had around my ankles and heart had been broken and I could move forward the way I needed to.

Since that session, I haven’t experienced any pressure or anxiety in my chest, which has been a huge relief. I’ve worked with many different modalities, including Reiki, energy work, akashic readings, meditation etc… but nothing could relieve me of the burden I was carrying that wasn’t mine, except this Sound Healing modality.

The best part about all of this is I work for Lisa as her assistant and have since gotten certified myself in Level I of Alexander Method®️️. As a Reiki Master, I’m very accustomed to working with the warm earth energy and the chakras. However, since starting this modality, I have become much closer to my angels and guides as this modality works directly with the heavens.

The day I got my certification I went home and did a treatment on my boyfriend Lou. I had done some in the past but I always seemed to forget a portion of the tuning. I was so excited to finally give him a complete session. During the session, he reported to me afterward that he had a complete out of body experience. He said he saw himself on the table and his Soul self was massaging his shoulders and back. He also had vivid images of himself as a boy and myself as a little girl. He heard voices as well but couldn’t quite make out what they were saying. He said it was the most amazing experience he’s ever had and felt so at peace. He could feel the angels come in and work on him, as well, when I left him for 5 minutes before grounding him. He can’t wait for me to become a certified teacher so he can learn this modality and start practicing on his fellow firemen!

I’m looking forward to having more experiences myself, but to also share this with new clients so that they too can feel the power of Divine healing.

In Love & Light,

Rosemary Ray


Learn More about the Universe at the Institute of Noetic Sciences


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