What Happens When You Tell God, "I'm Ready"

From time to time throughout my life, I would experience contact from the spirit world. As a young child, this sometimes frightened me and my response was always a very loud and clear scream… “I’m not ready yet!” I never understood why those exact words came out of me, but they did. These touches of spirit are too numerous to write about here. They really deserve a book.  I am trying to write one. Fortunately, from the day I did answer the call with “I am ready,” I’ve been too busy in my healing practice to finish writing the book. I promise it will be done by year’s end.

The incident that brought me to my current healing work is what I’d like to share today.  Over the course of several years, my life was really falling apart. The sudden loss of my father when I was only 33, followed by the loss of a baby girl, my mother, several beloved pets, my two best friends, my closest cousin, my career, my farm, my retirement account and more, brought me to my knees and I told God, whatever it is you want from me… “I’m finally ready.”

Within two weeks of that declaration, my teachers came. That was 2011. I was turning 48, and in Chinese runes that is the year of transformation. I received a letter in the mail from my naturopath in Honesdale, PA. She was an elderly woman in her 70s, an herbalist, who sent an old-fashioned flyer in the mail that said she was exploring something new – to come check it out. She had a guest speaker for the weekend who was speaking twice on a Saturday and once again on Sunday.

I went to hear him on Saturday afternoon. He was a quantum metaphysician. Everything he said was resonating with me. It was universal knowledge - quantum physics. It resonated with me from a scientific standpoint, as well as the connection to spirituality. I came home and checked with my husband if I could go back and see him again on Sunday morning. He said sure, as long as I took care of a few of our Sunday errands along the way to save time. These stops caused me to arrive a little late.

When I did get there, everyone had their seats, and like most people, everybody kept an empty seat in between them to keep their personal space. This meant I had to invade someone’s area. I noticed a new woman who hadn’t been there on Saturday. She was an attractive, mid-40s, petite brunette who looked friendly. I decided to invade her space and sat down right next to her. As this man was speaking about various events going on in the world, she blurted out, “I keep hearing ‘Deconstruction Before Reconstruction.’” I turned to her and said, “Oh my God – you just described my life!” She turned to me and said, “Oh, you’re the reason I’m here.” 

She continued, “I don’t need to be here – I already know everything he is taking about. I was trained by him. I live in New Jersey. Spirit rousted me out of bed this morning and told me I had to drive to Honesdale to put a woman on her spiritual path. It must be you. This is the reason I am here.”

She said we were going to have coffee after the presentation. When it was over, we went down to the coffee shop. Being hungry, I ordered a bagel and coffee.  She only had coffee. Since I ordered more, I offered to pay. She grabbed my hand and stopped me.  She said, “No - I know you have no money.” And she paid. How did she know that, I wondered? We sat and talked.

She really opened my eyes to the reasons the difficult events were occurring in my life. She told me it was my spiritual awakening and explained that we all sign contracts before we come here. We agree that if we don’t get on our spiritual path by a certain time, the universe must step in and start taking things away from us until we finally wake up to our calling. That’s where I was. She ‘somehow’ knew I had another house, my family home in Nazareth (which I shared with my brothers at the time while we were figuring out what to do with it.)  It was closer to where she lived. She asked if we could meet there in two weeks.

I drove down the night before and slept in my old pink room and in my little old bed, even though my mother’s room with her queen size bed was open. When I woke that morning, I got up out of bed, and with my physical eyes I saw hundreds of tunnels of light coming from the ceiling as though they were tiny little cans of spotlights. All these columns of light came with a sense of calmness and peace. I wasn’t afraid at all. I simply said, “WOW, this must be really important if you’re all here to talk to me.” I actually pulled aside the columns of light and spread them so I could walk through them, leave the room, and walk down the hallway. 

As I got to the kitchen, the lights were still there. Then the phone rang, and the lights sort of dissipated. It was her. She asked me, “Did your father wear glasses?” I was just waking up and I honestly couldn’t remember. He had been dead well over a decade. I explained I thought he had them later in life, but he didn’t like to wear them. She said, “Well, he just popped up next to me in the car and told me I better call you because I’m early and you’re not ready yet.” She had miscalculated how long it would take and she was 45 minutes early.  I was still in my robe. I said, “Don’t worry, come on over. I’ll put coffee on.”

When she arrived and started the reading and channeling of my parents, I was amazed at her accuracy. Even down to describing my current dog, how and why I found her, and the dog she saw standing with my father which looked similar to my current dog. He was my college dog. A simple mutt. There were no pictures of him anywhere in the house since he died a year before my father did. We both loved him so much. I had always said if I found another dog in a shelter that looked similar I would adopt it. Sure enough, I did. 

She also told me I was an incarnated earth angel and I was here on a serious mission.  She told me that I was guided by arch angels and ascended masters.  Mind you, at that time, I have never heard of some of the things she was mentioning.  She told me to read books by Doreen Virtue to learn more about it.

This woman also made some predictions. She told me I would discover something new that would help many people. Now I thought she was off a bit. Me? Discover something? I’m not a scientist or a doctor. 

She introduced me to very specific sound frequencies and tuning forks. I took to these immediately. There was something about them that just drew me in…like I had known them before.

I started doing research and studying the forks and frequencies and the various effects and benefits of sound therapy. I reached out to some of the big names in the field. I took several research trips to NYC to study under a Columbia University professor in Acoustical Science. Eventually, I started to develop an advanced sound therapy method, now called The Alexander Method®️️ of Vibrational Sound Therapy.

The benefits of this therapy have been helping people in a myriad of ways ever since. From relieving and easing injury, pain, depression, anxiety, hormones, Alzheimer's, autism, addictions and more, this modality is truly miraculous. One of my favorite effects of it, though, is the increase in clairvoyant abilities and dreams. 

When I was still experimenting with this modality, one evening I was wide awake lying in bed when I suddenly saw with my physical eyes a piercing white light drawing the outline of a little angel. It was like a cookie cutter made out of neon light in the air above me in my room. I felt the divine presence of an angel. With much gratitude and joy, I wept and gave thanks for this vision and confirmation.

After the outline of the little angel was finished being drawn, right next to it another picture starting forming. This time the bright white neon light was drawing a much more detailed and intricate large angel wing overseeing the little angel next to it. It was Arch Angel Michael telling me he was with me and helping me.

Since that time, many of my steady clients have experienced similar events. Two years ago, several of them asked me to start teaching this modality. It took time to put together my research, clinicals and results into a teachable format and manual. Once I did, I started teaching small groups in my home. I’m happy to say those students have gone on to be successful themselves in helping others through the Alexander Method®️️ of Vibrational Sound Therapy.

I’m now teaching my method at larger institutions and developing a home study program.  Earlier this year, I was approved for national certification and continuing education credits by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB). I look forward to advancing others on this path whether as practitioners or clients. 

This article was originally published on the Awaken Center for Human Evolution website. We wish to extend our gratitude to them and suggest you visit their site.


All I Want for Christmas is My Forever Home!


Meditation for Beginners Part III