Boxes Be Gone - by Megan Jenifer-Harris

Peaceful rays of sunlight coming through the trees in a forest

This month’s blog post features wise words from Alexander Method® practitioner Megan Jenifer-Harris…

“…In EVERY tradition, culturally, religiously and even scientifically, the HEART is the connection and transition point. Near the heart are the lungs and the thymus gland— one of the primary glands controlling our immune system. If we can be humble enough, still enough, honest enough, to see why the heart matters so much, our traditions spell it out plainly. Anything you think (your head / mind), say (face & thus head), or do (body, gut, limbs)— from head to toe, needs to be in alignment with your heart…” Click below to read more!

Boxes Be Gone – Megan Jenifer-Harris (


Interview with Lisa


The History of Healing with Drums - by Guest Blogger Jen Lucas